Boards of Governance

Pr. Mohammed Haouari

Pr. Mohammed Haouari


Pr. Haouari received his PhD in Industrial Engineering from the Ecole Centrale de Paris in 1991. He is Professor at Qatar University. He held visiting positions in numerous universities including Old Dominion University, University of Arizona, Rutgers University, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, University of Paris Dauphine, Bolzano University, Ozyegin University, and Bilkent University. Dr Haouari taught several courses in operations research, optimization, decision analysis, and supply chain management both at the undergraduate and graduate levels. He supervised 18 PhD dissertations and 21 MSc dissertations. His research interests include the analysis, modeling and solution of optimization engineering problems with an emphasis on supply chain management, machine and project scheduling, airlines operations, vehicle routing, ship routing and scheduling, and network design. He published more than 100 refereed articles in various academic journals. His h-index is 28. In 2008, Dr Haouari was awarded the IFORS Prize for Operations Research in Development.
