Boards of Governance
Pr. Adel Ben Mnaouer

Pr. Adel Ben Mnaouer received his BSc degree in Computer Science from the “Ecole Supérieure des communications (SUP’COM) of Tunisia in 1985 and the MEng and PhD degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Fukui and from Yokohama National University, Japan, in 1993 and 1997 respectively. Dr. Ben Mnaouer has served as Associate Professor and Acting Dean (2010–2011) of the College of Computer Engineering and Information Technology, at Dar Al Uloom University, then as a Vice-Dean of research of the same College. He joined the Faculty of Engineering of the Canadian University Dubai, as an Associate Professor in Sept 2012. Currently, he is serving as Full Professor and Coordinator for the Cybersecurity program in the same Faculty. His research interests are in the areas of protocol design and analysis of Wired and Wireless Networks (Wireless Sensor Networks, Wireless Body Area Networks, MANETs, VANETs and FANETs), Applied AI and Machine Learning, Internet of Things and Cyber-physical Systems, Blockchain, Cluster, Edge, Fog and Cloud Computing. Dr. Ben Mnaouer is the recipient of four major QNRF projects worth 3.7 million dollars focused on harnessing the power of wireless sensor networks in remote ubiquitous healthcare systems, in Air Quality Control, Structural Health Monitoring. He is active in Chairmanship, editorial board, TPC and organization of scores of top-class international conferences and Symposia. Dr. Ben Mnaouer is a Senior Member of the IEEE Communication Society.