Khalil Amiri

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Dr Khalil Amiri holds a BS and MS from Penn State University in Computer Science and Engineering and a PhD in Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA (2000).

He served served formerly as Professor and Dean of the Mediterranean Institute of Technology, and lecturer at Imperial College London. Prior to that, he held various positions within the R&D laboratories of Hewlett-Packard, IBM New York, IBM Toronto, and Credit Suisse, London.

His areas of specialisation revolve around databases and data storage systems, web caching and content distribution, cluster and cloud computing technologies. Additionally, he has several publications to his name in the public policy area especially relating to public governance and higher education quality assurance. Dr Amiri has published over forty papers and book chapters and served on the program committees of several conferences. He holds several patents, over 2500 academic citations, serves on several scientific and advisory boards, and is a regular consultant to national and international organisations. 


  • Data storage and management systems.
  • Cloud & edge computing.
  • Distributed systems.


  • Database management systems.
  • Operating systems.
  • Distributed systems.


  1. Gibson, Garth A; Nagle, David F; Amiri, Khalil; Butler, Jeff; Chang, Fay W; Gobioff, Howard; Hardin, Charles; Riedel, Erik; Rochberg, David; Zelenka, Jim; “A cost-effective high-bandwidth storage architecture“, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, Volume 33, Number 11, pp. 92-103, 1998.
  2. Gibson, Garth A; Nagle, David F; Amiri, Khalil; Chang, Fay W; Feinberg, Eugene M; Gobioff, Howard; Lee, Chen; Ozceri, Berend; Riedel, Erik; Rochberg, David; “File server scaling with network-attached secure disks“, ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, Volume 25, Number 1,   272-284, 1997.
  3. Amiri, Khalil; Padmanabhan, Sriram; Park, Sanghyun; Tewari, Renu; “DBProxy: A dynamic data cache for Web applications“, Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE 29th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 821-821, 2003.
  4. Amiri, Khalil; Petrou, David; Ganger, Gregory R; Gibson, Garth A; “Dynamic Function Placement for Data-Intensive Cluster Computing. ” Proceedings of the USENIX Annual Technical Conference, pp. 307-322, 2000.
  5. Amiri, Khalil; Gibson, Garth A; Golding, Richard; “Highly concurrent shared storage“, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems , pp. 298-307, 2000.
  6. Acharya, Arup; Amiri, Khalil S; “Virtualization of iSCSI storage.US Patent (IBM), 2005.
  7. Verma, Dinesh C; Calo, Seraphin; Amiri, Khalil; “Policy-based management of content distribution networks“, IEEE Network,   Volume 16, Number 2, pp. 34-39, 2002.
  8. Ko, Bong-Jun; Lee, Kang-Won; Amiri, Khalil; Calo, Seraphin; “Scalable service differentiation in a shared storage cache“, Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, pp. 184-193, 2003.
  9. Amiri, Khalil; Park, Sanghyun; Tewari, Renu; Padmanabhan, Sriram; “Scalable template-based query containment checking for web semantic caches“,             Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Data Engineering, pp. 493-504, 2003.
  10. Amiri, Khalil; Padmanabhan, Sriram; Park, Sanghyun; Tewari, Renu; “Transparent edge-of-network data cache“, US Patent (IBM),
  11. Amiri, Khalil; Tewari, Renu; Park, Sanghyun; Padmanabhan, Sriram; “On space management in a dynamic edge data cache.” Proceedings of WebDB, pp. 37-42, 2002.
  12. Amiri, K; Park, Sanghyun; Tewari, Renu; Padmanabhan, Sriram; “DBProxy: A self-managing edge-of-network data cache“, Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, pp. 821-83, 2002.
  13. Amiri, Khalil; Park, Sanghyun; Tewari, Renu; “A self-managing data cache for edge-of-network web applications.” Proceedings of the eleventh international conference on Information and knowledge management, pp. 177-185, 2002.
  14. Lee, Kang-Won; Amiri, Khalil; Sahu, Sambit; Venkatramani, Chitra; “On the sensitivity of cooperative caching performance to workload and network characteristics“, ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review,               Volume 30, Number 1, pp. 268-269, 2002.
  15. Amiri, Khalil; Sprenkle, Sara; Tewari, Renu; Padmanabhan, Sriram; “Exploiting templates to scale consistency maintenance in edge database caches“, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Web Content Caching and Distribution, 2003.
  16. Amiri, Khalil; Wilkes, John; “Automatic design of storage systems to meet availability requirements“,    Technical report HPLSSP-96-17, HP Laboratories, 1996.
  17. Petrou, David; Amiri, Khalil; Ganger, Gregory R; Gibson, Garth A; “Easing the management of data-parallel systems via adaptation“, Proceedings of the 9th workshop on ACM SIGOPS European workshop: Beyond the PC: new challenges for the operating system, pp. 103-108, 2000.
  18. Amiri, Khalil; Calo, Seraphin; Ko, Bong-Jun; Lee, Kang-won; “Methods and apparatus for providing service differentiation in a shared storage environment“,US Patent (IBM), 2003.
  19. Lee, Kang-Won; Amiri, Khalil; Sahu, Sambit; Venkatramani, Chitra; “On the Sensitivity of Cooperative Caching Performance to User Access Patterns“, SIMULATION SERIES, Volume 35, Number 4, pp. 310-317, Society for Computer Simulation, 2003.
  20. Amiri, Khalil; Petrou, David; Ganger, Greg; Gibson, Garth; “Automatic function placement in distributed storage systems“,           ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, Volume 34, Number 2, p. 36, 2000.    
  21. Amiri, Khalil; Doyle, Ronald; Li, Yongcheng; McElroy, Thomas; Park, Sanghyun; Tewari, Renu; Verma, Dinesh; “Adaptive edge processing of application data“, US Patent (IBM),
  22. Amiri, Khalil; Sprenkle, Sara; Tewari, Renu; Padmanabhan, Sriram; “Scalable Consistency Maintenance for Edge Query Caches”,     Web content caching and distribution, pp. 79-90, 2004.
  23. Agarwalla, Rajesh; Amiri, Khalil; Chetuparambil, Madhu; Giles, James; Gugnani, Manu; Lee, Shih-pai; Meduri, Subbarao; Patil, Mahesh; Verma, Dinesh; “Apparatus and method for offloading application components to edge servers“, US Patent (IBM),
  24. Intissar Kherigi and Khalil Amiri; “Public Policy Making in Tunisia: The Role of Policy Research Institutes”, Journal of Middle East Law and Governance, Vol. 7, Issue 1, 2015. (
  25. Khalil Amiri and Intissar Kherigi; “Improving the quality of policymaking in Tunisia: The role of think Tanks”, in the First BIPA/IIAS MENA Conference on Public Administration Research (MENAPAR), 23 & 23 April, 2014, Manama, Bahrain.
  26. Khalil Amiri; “Policy Coherence in Migration and Development: Early lessons in Tunisia“, invited opinion note at the UNDP/World Bank’s KNOMAD/ECDPM’s workshop on Strengthening the Migration-Development Nexus through Improved Policy and Institutional Coherence, Paris, 4-5 December 2013.
  27. Intissar Kherigi and Khalil Amiri; “Policy research institutes and policy making in Tunisia.” In Proceedings of the IASIA Annual Conference, 6-10 July, 2015, Paris, France.