Changemaker Training

Beyond providing solid and rigorous technical training, a MUST University education integrates a unique component aimed at developing a changemaker mindset within its graduates.

This changemaker program consists of two components: (i) leadership courses and workshops integrated in all formal academic programs; and (ii) service-learning projects benefiting the university’s community and the region’s sustainable development goals.

 Leadership Training

At MUST, we realize, through years of real-life experience in the professional corporate world, that success beyond the university takes more than technical knowledge and skills.  It takes attitudes, behaviors, skills and mindsets that are rarely taught at the university level.  MUST created a unique and innovative Changemaker Program aimed at developing elements of success beyond the technical realm.  From the first day students are accepted at MUST, a freshman bootcamp instills in students that they are in charge, and they are here to fulfill a unique mission defined by their unique talents and experiences, that they CAN make the change they want to see in their lives, in their communities, in the industry, and in the world.
Throughout their time at MUST, students take various classes where they actively develop the concepts covered in the freshman bootcamp.  Students develop and transform through an effective public speaking training program,  a unique leadership development program.  They also develop a Design Thinking mindset where students develop empathy and learn by doing, taking risks and by giving and receiving feedback from peers, customers, mentors.  Last but not least, students learn to manage emotions, which is an often ignored aspect of our lives but in fact is a large determinant of success beyond the classroom.

Service Learning

Service-learning is an emerging form of experiential learning that connect both disciplinary learning and general education with the historic mission of universities to serve the wider community. It can be applied both at the undergraduate and graduate levels to contribute to meaningful community engagement as well as effective pedagogy. Service learning has learning outcomes at the academic, civic, and personal attitude levels:

  • Application of theoretical concepts, approaches, and techniques in the context of a real-world project. Exposure to real-world situations, allowing them to gain a deeper understanding of gained knowledge and the practical aspects and limitations of formal concepts and approaches.
  • Heightened sense of civic engagement and an appreciation of the experience of making a difference to their communities.
  • A strong attachment to public service and public value, and a deeper appreciation of the importance of cohesive communities.
  • Better knowledge of their socio-economic environment, potential entrepreneurship opportunities and possible career choices.
  • Communication and project management skills and experience in issues arising in group dynamics and multi-stakeholder projects and ways to successfully manage them.

This approach also allows students to discover their community and offer a much more effective way to teach changemaker attitudes and attachment to shared values.

Enjoy browsing our site and listening to our academic teams talk about service learning.
