Formation Professionnelle et Certifiante

Description du cours


Design Thinking is a very effective methodology and mindset that results in innovative and effective solutions to humans’ problems or issues.  It is an interactive process that starts with understanding “the other person” and building empathy, then goes into idea generation, prototyping and testing, then back to the first step, which includes observing and interviewing the party, we want to provide a solution for. This process is repeated until acceptable solutions that meet the need are found and successfully implemented.

 This course teaches the main steps of Design Thinking, the value of each step, and how to successfully implement it using real-life examples. 

Course is supported by accompanying Coursera Courses.

Thèmes du cours :

  • Observation, Interviewing and gaining empathy
  • Idea generation
  • Quick prototyping
  • Receiving Feedback
  • Reiterating and solution refining

Détails du cours :

Dates TBD
Durée du cours 3 days; 6 hours per day in-person
Langue Anglais
Coût TBD
Dernier délai d’inscription TBD
Emplacement MUST University Lac 3 



Inscription :
