Personalized Education

 Empowering minds, one student at a time!

Every student is unique, both in terms of background and past experience, as well as interests, future aspirations and life project plans.

At MUST University, we understand this diversity and have a unique approach to ensure every committed student succeeds in university whatever his or her academic background or secondary school curriculum. This is implemented as follows:

  • By providing a customized bridging curriculum during the first semester based on the student’s background and secondary school system (UK system, French system, Tunisian system, Middle east system).
  • Through a rich student orientation and integration freshman bootcamp.
  • By providing an academic advisor and international coach for each student, in addition to special services for international students, housing & accommodation, and psychological well-being.
  • By providing additional professional and career success certifications from world-renowned partner institutions through our online learning platforms.